Ethan Weiner

Hi, I'm Ethan! I'm a full-stack software engineer based in Boston, experienced in the JavaScript and Ruby ecosystems.

I recently created Seamless, a CI/CD tool for containerized microservices.

Seamless LogoSeamless

Seamless is an open-source, low-config CI/CD tool for containerized microservice applications deployed to ECS Fargate. It features a CLI for AWS deployment, a real-time dashboard, integration testing with Docker Compose, log storage with Redis, and more. Read the case study here.

Seamless tests, builds, and deploys microservices with a robust pipeline powered by AWS infrastructure, including Step Functions, ECS, and API Gateways.

Other Selected Projects


A tool for collecting and inspecting HTTP requests and webhooks

Built with:, Nginx, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Digital Ocean Droplet


A community-focused plant encyclopedia search tool and inventory manager, powered by USDA

Built with: Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS


A tool for small companies to track employee work and invoice customers

Built with: Vue.js, Firebase, Ionic

Visualize the Web

Simulates and visualizes the geographic transmission of data between IP addresses

Built with: Python, Flask, Javascript

The Smooches

A Dockerized minimal slideshow application

Built with: React, Express, Docker Compose, EC2, S3

Playlist Blender

A tool for algorithmically combining user playlists from third-party music services like Spotify, Youtube, and Soundcloud

Built with: Vue, Javascript

BHS Scholarship Portal

A platform for submitting and reviewing scholarship applications

Built with: Vue, Firebase